(Class bell rings) Class welcome back to the one and only Vegan Discoveries course. Today we are starting lesson 002 and the restaurant in today’s discussion has everything you need to support your vegan lifestyle!
The name of the restaurant is Mumokuteki.
When pronounced correctly, its sounds like Moo moe koo te key. This phrase in Japanese translates to having “no goal.” Talking to the manager of the restaurant, Mrs. Yamada, it became clear to me that the company doesn’t have goals but more of principles that they stand by. Mrs. Yamada has been working for Mumokuteki for over 12 years. By the way she expressed what the company stands for, I could really tell she believes in what she does. From the interview, Mrs. Yamada really emphasized the point that they want to create more life at Mumokuteki.
She gave a great example of her statement by using the people working at the restaurant as an example. Everyone working there is very different, and because of that, when they work together everyone has the opportunity to learn something new from one another. They can learn how to do something differently, they can learn about hobbies they didn’t know existed, and most importantly learn more about one other on a personal level. Those precious moments they have when they work together allow them to come to new understandings on life, as well as open their worlds to new limits they couldn’t even think of. This is the base principle of Mumokuteki. They want to make people feel good through the food they offer, and they want to make close connections with their customers. If the people around you are happy, wouldn’t that make you happy too? This principle Mumokuteki abides by is very clear through the aesthetics of their store, as well as what their store sells. I mentioned I went to the Mumokuteki restaurant, but they also have a supermarket, a kitchen to teach cooking classes, as well as an antique clothing store. I will say as long as I have been in Japan, I have never seen a store like this!
Let’s take a look at the hidden gem Mumoketeki I stumbled upon!
Clean and simple aesthetics
Again, look at the beautiful atmosphere! I had a hard time choosing where to sit!
Are you coming with your family? This section of the restaurant is dedicated to families. Looks nice and homey right?
Here is the kitchen for the cooking classes!
This is the schedule they use to keep everyone updated on what classes they are teaching. Next to the supermarket!
At Vegan Discoveries we like our food FRESH!
All food in the super market is vegan as well as organic!
Anybody up for an organic healthy beverage?
THE FOOD!!!!!!
Just to give you a guys an idea of what they had, I took a picture of the menus.
(What a great teacher right?! 😉 )
They have menus in English, so it is not a problem if you cannot read Japanese. They have a lunch, dinner, and desert menu, as well as a kid’s menu and a drink menu. All the menus are filled with delicious mouth-watering items. You could definitely eat here for a whole week and have something new and tasty every single time!
Before I get into me devouring one of their number one lunch recommendations, let me tell you another interesting thing about Mumoketeki. They have their own land where they grow the vegetables and fruit that they use in their recipes and sell in their supermarket. Depending on the time of the year, the menu will change because it is based off of what fruits and vegetables are in season! Mumokuteki is keeping everything connected and really trying to drill it home that they want to create new life for the people! With that being said, it is time to show you how they created new life for me!
I was very lucky to get there early and have an interview with Mrs. Yamada because this place gets packed very fast and I now know why. I asked Mrs. Yamada what her recommendation was for lunch, and it was this:
(DUN DUN DUN!!!!!) (Dramatic surprising sound)
Look at this baby. She is called Omrice. This is a staple dish in Japan. The classic omrice dish consists of rice mixed with ketchup and vegetables, with an omelet thrown on top. This Omrice being vegan, they used tofu skin in Japanese called “Yuba” to create the egg like texture. Just look at the pictures and tell me what you think about this Omrice.
That Omrice’s chances for survival were slim to none. I enjoyed every single bite of her and I can’t wait to have her again! It was just oozing with flavor, and the presentation of the dish was just flawless. Very simple, but you can see it was very rich with flavor and brought in a very quick fashion even with the circumstances of them being pretty busy that afternoon.
NEXT! Moving on to dessert! Mrs. Yamada recommended me to eat one of their cakes. Since they make their own fruits and vegetables, I went for their seasonal tart cake! The seasonal tart contained sweet potatoes as the seasonal item in the tart cake.
Again, look at the presentation of the tart cake. You would think you were at a fine dining restaurant with the skills they deliver to creating the looks of their dishes.
Let’s go a little deeper into the beauty of this tart.
I see some of you guys drooling over there! Go get yourself a napkin!
It tastes as good as it looks! Definitely far from disappointing!
The meal I have shared with you was definitely one of my most satisfying meals I have had in Japan. The atmosphere of the restaurant, the meaning behind the restaurant, the taste of the food, the display of the food, all of these factors added up to creating the unique experience I had at Mumokuteki. I will be visiting here often!
Mumokuteki is a place for everyone, families, couples, friends, and even for people who want to go there by themselves. The atmosphere is relaxed, friendly, and easy to enjoy with the simple clean aesthetics of the place. They really understand how we are all connected and making the lives of others better creates a better life for ourselves. I definitely learned a lot from Mumokoteki, as well as ate a lot. I definitely recommend this spot to all who come to Japan. With that being said, class is DISMISSED!
(Bell rings!)
Looking for delicious foods that are made up of no animal products?
You have come to the right place! I am here to help you on your journey while you are here in Japan. I am here to tell you being plant-based in this beautiful country is possible! I, Zane Johnson will be your “sensei”, (Which means teacher in Japanese) who will guide you to the most delicious plant-based spots Kyoto has to offer.
Just to give you some background information on what I can bring to the table, I have been plant based for over a year now, but I have been on and off the plant-based diet for over 7 years! I look forward to seeing you guys in class!
Without further due, class is in SESSION!