2024.11.23 - 2025.02.02
【終了しました】 2024.11.22 ~ 2024.12.25
【The Beautiful World of Glass: Émile Gallé Exhibition, 120 Years After His Passing】
Art Nouveau, or “new art,” flourished in Europe from the late 19th to early 20th century, during a period of increasing industrialization following the Industrial Revolution. At the forefront of this movement was French glassmaker Émile Gallé (1846–1904), who elevated glassmaking to the realm of fine art. After studying in Germany, Gallé learned glassmaking techniques in Meisenthal, France. Upon returning to his hometown of Nancy in the Lorraine region, he joined his father’s business, where he was entrusted with overseeing glass and pottery production, as well as product development and artistic direction.
Gallé, who was also a botanist, drew upon his knowledge of natural observation, botany, and biology to express the beauty of nature and the radiance of life through his glasswork, often using motifs of flowers, insects, and other living creatures. Additionally, Gallé was greatly influenced by Japonisme (the fascination with Japanese art and culture). His encounter with Japanese art led him to incorporate distinctly Japanese motifs, such as hawks and pine trees, into his designs, creating a unique artistic vision through various techniques. Gallé’s work gained international recognition when he won Grand Prizes at the Paris World Expositions of 1889 and 1900, leading to a surge in popularity for his creations. In 1901, he established the École de Nancy (“a provincial alliance of the industries of art”), contributing to the development of decorative arts.
This exhibition commemorates the 120th anniversary of Gallé’s passing, showcasing approximately 70 beautiful glass pieces that reflect his remarkable achievements.
■講師:鵜飼敦子氏 (美術史家/ジャポニスム学会理事)
会場 | 美術館「えき」KYOTO(JR京都駅・ジェイアール京都伊勢丹7F隣接) |
日時 | 2024年11月22日(金)~12月25日(水)※会期中無休 10:00~19:30 ※入館締切 閉館30分前 |
住所 | 京都市下京区烏丸通塩小路下ル東塩小路町JR 京都伊勢丹7F |
交通 | 各線「京都」駅下車すぐ |
料金 | 一般 1,100円(900円) 高・大学生 900円(700円) 小・中学生 700円(500円) ※高・大学生の方は学生証をご提示ください。 ※( )内は前売料金。「障害者手帳」をご提示のご本人さまとご同伴者1名さまは、当日料金より各200円割引。 前売券 【販売期間】2024年10月12日(土)~2024年11月21日(木) 【販売場所】美術館チケット窓口(休館日を除く)、チケットぴあ、ローソンチケット ※詳しくはホームページをご参照ください。 |
お問合せ先 | 美術館「えき」KYOTO(ジェイアール京都伊勢丹・大代表) 075-352-1111 ※本展覧会は事前予約不要ですが、混雑状況により入館をお待ちいただく場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 |
ホームページ | |
補足情報 | ■Museum「EKi」KYOTO (Kyoto Station Building 7th Floor) |
2024.11.23 - 2025.02.02
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